Locating Your Words:
Place and Setting in Fiction (Virtual)
Date: 2 Mondays, May 18 and 25
Time: 7 - 9 pm
Instructor: Hannah Michell
Ages: Adult
Genre: Fiction
Price: $150
What is it that evokes a sense of place in fiction? Is a place simply defined by weather, landmarks, sights, smells, or landscapes? What can we learn about a place by observing its people? What can we learn about our characters’ internal states by noticing what they observe in their environments?
In this two week class, we will examine atmospheric works of fiction to deconstruct the elements which bring a place to life. We will then further explore the importance of setting not merely as an element of our craft which lends texture and mood to our stories, but as a means of heightening tension and externalizing a character’s interiority.

Hannah Michell is author of The Defections. She teaches at the University of Berkeley, California.
More about Hannah: www.hannahmichell.com